Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Letting Go

Letting go of things that are comfortable to you is hard.  Letting go of things that hold sentimental value is even harder.....but we did both! We got rid of our old couch that was physically tore up by the kids and we broke down and bought a new one.  Our new one arrived last week and we put our old one out at the curb (which pained me) it sat at the curb for almost 24 hrs before it disappeared....I think the exact text from my husband read "the old couch walked away just before lunch, this is all that's left" and he sent me a picture of a piece of the stuffing from the cushion that the kids had tore the fabric on.  Like I said it was sad to let it go but we just had to.  That was probably THE MOST comfortable couch we will ever own, we are already complaining about the new one and have even looked into the return policy (25% restocking fee, what a crock), so we need to just let it go.

It was a two piece L shaped sectional, even Alec is sad about letting it go....a couple times that day I found him outside sitting at the curb with the couch.  He loved jumping on it and jumping off of it and jumping behind it (you get the drift he just plain loved it  loved jumping on it).  We have a "No Jumping" law on the new one (I'll let you know how that's working out another day).

M said her goodbyes too, she sat out there for awhile playing with a stick and singing and dancing.  I remember nursing her as a baby on that couch (in fact I remember having to sleep on that couch the last 10 overdue days of my pregnancy with her) she spit up on it, we napped on it, she learned how to walk along it.......  I could go on and on and it just seems so wrong to be so darn attached to a couch, but obviously we are (especially my husband).  So we said our goodbyes and we are letting go.  We will have fond memories of you "Old Couch".....yes it was even around when we started dating!